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    Iodine and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

    Iodine and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

    Iodine is a critical mineral nutrient essential for human health, playing a vital role in thyroid function, metabolism regulation, and numerous other bodily processes. Its importance cannot be overstated, particularly during pregnancy, where the demands for dietary...

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    What Is Nascent Iodine and How Does It Work?

    What Is Nascent Iodine and How Does It Work?

    Iodine is imperative to the healthy functioning of your body, yet your body itself is incapable of producing its own iodine. Therefore, you must get iodine from somewhere else, most commonly from food. However, those with an iodine deficiency may not get the necessary...

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    Watch Out for These Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency

    Watch Out for These Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency

    When it comes to being deficient in nutrients, iodine is one many people don't think about. But the reality is that iodine levels have gone down in the general population by 50% over the past thirty years. More and more people are consuming less iodine-rich foods in...

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    Understanding Why Your Body Needs Iodine

    Understanding Why Your Body Needs Iodine

    Iodine is one of the most important mineral nutrients for people. It's responsible for multiple processes in the human body, and without enough iodine, people may experience health complications. Unfortunately, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 72% of...

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    Perfect Nascent Iodine Dosage

    Perfect Nascent Iodine Dosage

    U.S. Government Recommendations for Iodine Intake (but no Nascent Iodine Dosage) The U.S. Daily Recommended Allowance is not set for nascent iodine dosage, but for regular iodine, it is 150 mcg for men and women, and 220 mcg for pregnant women per day. Intake...

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    IODINE and IODIDE, What’s the Difference?

    IODINE and IODIDE, What’s the Difference?

    What is the difference between IODINE and IODIDE? Potassium iodide and iodine are often confused with each other or used interchangeably because of a similar component: iodine. Iodine is the element found on the periodic chart. However, the molecular form, which...

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    Welcome to our new website and blog!

    Welcome to our new website and blog!

    Welcome to Magnascent! Whether you're brand new to our site or a returning visitor, we're so glad you're here! We love talking about iodine! We hope you're enjoying the new look as much as we do.  We're still the same Magnascent from Azle, Texas that has been...

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