How much iodine should I take on a daily basis?
For those new to iodine supplementing, we recommend 1 drop of Magnascent Iodine per day. The body may give you signs that it is removing toxins like Bromide or Fluoride. After about a week or after the detox stage, the nascent iodine dosage can be increased.
When it comes to iodine dosage, it is most effective if it is taken on an empty stomach, such as before breakfast. If you prefer to take your iodine intake on a full stomach, we recommend holding the water and iodine in your mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing to allow for soft tissue absorption. Our iodine is best taken mixed in water only (not juice or other liquids). Each drop of 2% Magnascent Iodine equals 0.35 milligrams of iodine.
Should I take iodine at night or in the morning?
Iodine should be taken in the morning because the added energy can cause wakefulness in the evenings, and it could interfere with your sleep.
For more details about our consumable iodine supplement, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. If you are unsure about personal iodine intake based on your health conditions, please consult your doctor.