“My brother kept insisting I take Magnascent Iodine and I started with three drops in the morning and by day three I wanted two more drops in the afternoon. And that’s when I had the wizard of Oz experience – like in the scene where black and white turns to color. I still take it. Daily. twice a day.”
Truly exceptional customer service from beginning to end. In my case it was Tony who helped with instant replies and exact information, and even more help with an extra request in relation to shipment. Have been using Magnascent for several years, absolutely and highly recommend.
Only just started taking this. So far going good ,I hope in a few weeks / months I will know more
!Thank you.
Our family feels confident about Magnascent’s nascent iodine because it is made in a cGMP compliant manufacturing facility, contains no dyes or artificial flavors, and the company is transparent in sharing third-party testing of their products (tests are conducted by an ISO-accredited third-party laboratory). Although their product doesn’t carry the “USP certified” label, their iodine is nonetheless tested to the strict “USP Grade” standard. Test results confirm that contaminants are either non-detectable or well below USP-grade thresholds. The information Tony shared with me leads me to trust in their testing process and transparency with results. Also happy to have a made-in-USA source of iodine!
In 2014, I experienced cold hands and constantly felt cold. I consulted with a Naturopathic physician who recommended Magnascent 2%. She instructed that upon arising, in a shot glass of purified water, add 1 drop for one day, 2 drops for two days, 3 for three days, 4 for four days, 5 for five days, and 6 for six days. Then backward, 5 for five days, etc., until I reached 2 drops, at which time I continued at 2 drops to the present. About 5 weeks after completing the regimen, new blood work showed my overall health had improved, and it has been maintained ever since. I still take my 2 drops every day, as does my husband. It’s an important part of my health regimen.
Very impressed by the customer service! Looking forward to trying the product.
“I have been using Magnascent for 3 years. My doctor was thinking about putting me on thyroid meds but after I started the iodine each day I do not have to take medication.”
I am not writing for any other reason than to let you know that your product has changed my life. I am very thankful for your product and will continue to use it indefinitely. Much success to you in all that you are doing for the sake of human health and progress. Thank you!
Two immediate effects you get.from this product: 1) Burst of energy…..2).Mental clarity.
“Hello. My journey started 4 years ago. I woke up one day and experienced a significant change in my well-being. I went to see a holistic Dr. and I had lost a lot of weight and was feeling weak because my body was lacking essential minerals. I was not able to eat because my body couldn’t process food. During the Dr. visit, I felt an urge to try iodine, and the naturopath I went to had a sample of Nascent iodine. I was hesitant to use iodine but decided to give it a try. After taking the iodine for a while, one morning, I decided to increase the dosage to at least 10 drops, and I noticed a considerable improvement in my overall well-being. The relief and joy I felt were indescribable. Nascent iodine played a crucial role in my recovery. There is so much more to this story, but there you have it. Take iodine, specifically this one. I don’t think I would have had the same results with a different one. My body needed something easy to absorb. I am so grateful to Nascent iodine for the impact it has had on my life!”
“The product did not work for my needs unfortunately. There was absolutely no issues with getting a refund back in a timely fashion. Great service! I would not hesitate to use or recommend other products that magnascent has to offer.“
“I heard that nascent iodine helps to open the pineal gland so I ordered Magnascent. I Was drawn to the company from other brands on amazon. started taking three drops in a little water, holding in my mouth for a minute, then swallowing and drinking more water twice a day. The first couple of weeks I didn’t notice that much but after those weeks, when I take the iodine and then go sit in meditation, I’m having incredible openings. I’ve never been able to get anywhere with meditation but now I can’t wait to sit quietly. I also have low thyroid and I’ve taken iodine pills for years but never had this type of experience. Also, glad to hear it’s a Texas company! Thank you!“
“This is the best! I have been taking it for more than 2 years! I take it in water first thing in the morning. It doesn’t taste bad, and I haven’t been sick for a long time! I recommend this to all my friends. Great product!”
Truly exceptional customer service from beginning to end. In my case it was Tony who helped with instant replies and exact information, and even more help with an extra request in relation to shipment. Have been using Magnascent for several years, absolutely and highly recommend.
“Hello. My journey started 4 years ago. I woke up one day and experienced a significant change in my well-being. I went to see a holistic Dr. and I had lost a lot of weight and was feeling weak because my body was lacking essential minerals. I was not able to eat because my body couldn’t process food. During the Dr. visit, I felt an urge to try iodine, and the naturopath I went to had a sample of Nascent iodine. I was hesitant to use iodine but decided to give it a try. After taking the iodine for a while, one morning, I decided to increase the dosage to at least 10 drops, and I noticed a considerable improvement in my overall well-being. The relief and joy I felt were indescribable. Nascent iodine played a crucial role in my recovery. There is so much more to this story, but there you have it. Take iodine, specifically this one. I don’t think I would have had the same results with a different one. My body needed something easy to absorb. I am so grateful to Nascent iodine for the impact it has had on my life!”
In 2014, I experienced cold hands and constantly felt cold. I consulted with a Naturopathic physician who recommended Magnascent 2%. She instructed that upon arising, in a shot glass of purified water, add 1 drop for one day, 2 drops for two days, 3 for three days, 4 for four days, 5 for five days, and 6 for six days. Then backward, 5 for five days, etc., until I reached 2 drops, at which time I continued at 2 drops to the present. About 5 weeks after completing the regimen, new blood work showed my overall health had improved, and it has been maintained ever since. I still take my 2 drops every day, as does my husband. It’s an important part of my health regimen.
Only just started taking this. So far going good ,I hope in a few weeks / months I will know more !Thank you.David
Very impressed by the customer service! Looking forward to trying the product.
“This is the best! I have been taking it for more than 2 years! I take it in water first thing in the morning. It doesn’t taste bad, and I haven’t been sick for a long time! I recommend this to all my friends. Great product!”
“I love the manufacturer of this product, very professional and the best customer service on the planet. Magnascent Iodine sells extremely well. I am happy to present such a high quality product to my customers.”
Years ago, my Dr. recommended I take 9 drops of magnascent in water every morning. My Dr. indicated that it would improve my condition substantially. It did so to an incredibly noticeable degree, and I am thrilled with the product.
My Dr. researches products and companies thoroughly before recommending one and often looks at the impact of a product on a cellular level. She endorsed the Company without any hesitation, and I am both thrilled and grateful for the positive effect it has had on my overall well-being.
Our family feels confident about Magnascent’s nascent iodine because it is made in a cGMP compliant manufacturing facility, contains no dyes or artificial flavors, and the company is transparent in sharing third-party testing of their products (tests are conducted by an ISO-accredited third-party laboratory). Although their product doesn’t carry the “USP certified” label, their iodine is nonetheless tested to the strict “USP Grade” standard. Test results confirm that contaminants are either non-detectable or well below USP-grade thresholds. The information Tony shared with me leads me to trust in their testing process and transparency with results. Also happy to have a made-in-USA source of iodine!
“Has a very mild taste and has kept my immune system great…co-workers and family have all had colds and flu, but I have not missed a day of work or pleasure in a year since taking this product!”
I am not writing for any other reason than to let you know that your product has changed my life. I am very thankful for your product and will continue to use it indefinitely. Much success to you in all that you are doing for the sake of human health and progress. Thank you!
“We providentially found Magnascent Iodine before we moved our entire family to Zambia, Sub-Saharan Africa in June of 2014. It has been an incalculable blessing, as it has contributed to our family’s overall well-being and helped numerous people we minister to. It has also positively impacted countless Zambians in various aspects of their health. One young man who struggled to walk has seen incredible improvement after taking the 2% for some time, and can now walk long distances. He is so grateful, as his own family does not care for him. Another young lady experienced relief and improvement after taking the 2%. These are just some of the amazing stories. It has helped our family and others as a preventive measure, totally safe and without harmful side effects. After much research, our entire family uses Magnascent Iodine weekly, and we thank God for finding John Brookshire and his company. Their Iodine is our first line of defense against various health issues, and is totally safe. We even use it for cleaning and decontamination of our vegetables and foods here, by soaking them in water with some drops of Magnascent Iodine. My wife just ordered some more for her mother, who experienced discomfort. I once paid $80.00 to overnight a bottle to a friend who was feeling unwell. I urge you to do the research as I have for now more than 6 years, and we only use and recommend Magnascent Iodine from this company. We have no connection with them as a business other than a customer (we do not sell the Iodine, but we give it to our friends, family, and those we serve here), but have come to also count them as friends. This wonderful product is simply beyond amazing. I’m honored to share our family’s incredible journey of more than 6 years at this point with you!”
“My brother kept insisting I take Magnascent Iodine and I started with three drops in the morning and by day three I wanted two more drops in the afternoon. And that’s when I had the wizard of Oz experience – like in the scene where black and white turns to color. I still take it. Daily. twice a day.”
“I heard that nascent iodine helps to open the pineal gland so I ordered Magnascent. I Was drawn to the company from other brands on amazon. started taking three drops in a little water, holding in my mouth for a minute, then swallowing and drinking more water twice a day. The first couple of weeks I didn’t notice that much but after those weeks, when I take the iodine and then go sit in meditation, I’m having incredible openings. I’ve never been able to get anywhere with meditation but now I can’t wait to sit quietly. I also have low thyroid and I’ve taken iodine pills for years but never had this type of experience. Also, glad to hear it’s a Texas company! Thank you!“
“I love this stuff. I have experimented (up and down with dosages, cycling on and off) for a few months now and find that this form (nascent) of iodine works well for my body (I have tried several other forms of iodine in the past). I currently use three drops per day (I have four decades since my birth in/as a human male body of approximately 70 kilos) and find benefits for appetite regulation, endocrine function, and immunity. I encourage everyone to do their own research and experimentation, carefully, taking intuition and logic together into consideration.”
“This stuff gives me back my strength! It’s amazing!! I put 5 drops into some tomato juice every day, then throw it back with a Selenium capsule–they work synergistically I’m told. Then I can go ALL day. Wow!”
“The product did not work for my needs unfortunately. There was absolutely no issues with getting a refund back in a timely fashion. Great service! I would not hesitate to use or recommend other products that magnascent has to offer.“
I have been testing with drops in water and skin patch testing with Nascent iodine for about 6 months. I decided to do more research and work towards coming off thyroid meds, at this time have cut my meds in half. When I found Magnascent and through more talks and research I became immediately sold with this amazing process and story. Nascent iodine may be a new talk for most today or as late; although it was a miracle cure in the 1800’s to 1901 when the medical industry said this needs to go, and turned it on it’s ear labeling it toxic. Literally we are being fed the snake oil today….do your homework all.A True Seeker Of Truth!
I feel so much better when using this iodine, I have thyroid issues, I am never using iodine from another supplier and I’m buying some for everyone I know that needs it!
“The customer service at Magnascent is amazing!”
Two immediate effects you get.from this product: 1) Burst of energy…..2).Mental clarity.